Industry leaders join forces with BRE and NABERS UK to improve office energy efficiency

NABERS UK measures and rates the energy use of offices to help building owners accurately track and communicate the energy performance, as well as help to identify areas for savings and improvement.

NABERS UK offers two products: Energy for Offices measures the efficiency of an office building and rates its performance; while Design for Performance is the process whereby a developer or owner commits to design, build and commission a new office development or major refurbishment to achieve a specific NABERS rating. Both products are designed to help improve the efficiency of office buildings, but Design for Performance goes one step further by ensuring that new developments are built to meet a high standard of energy efficiency from the outset.

What does the NABERS UK rating look like?

» 1 star  – Poor
» 2 stars – Below average
» 3 stars – Average
» 4 stars – Good
» 5 stars – Excellent
» 6 stars – Market leading

Industry-leading supporters of NABERS UK have come together to help shape the future of the scheme.

Companies such as AECOM and ATKINS have united in this mission.

Together they will share their expertise with the NABERS UK team, promote the scheme to their clients and upskill their teams. Their technical input and dedicated action will be crucial as these companies join forces in an unprecedented show of support for the future of our workspaces and those who occupy them.

Farah Syed, NABERS UK Product Manager at BRE said:

“We are delighted to introduce our NABERS UK Supporters to the industry, and to have their advocacy and support of NABERS UK, which will be key to helping shape the future uptake and evolution of NABERS UK products. We very much look forward to working together to bring about improvements to the energy performance of offices”.

Discover how smart technology can help you achieve NABERS UK rating

We collaborate at the planning stages of an office development to recommend the best smart technology solutions that will help to enhance the life of those occupying the building. Just get in touch with Intecho today to find out more.